Dan In The Land Down Under !

This blog has been created to keep my family and friends informed of my exploites in Australia as I live, work and study for a year in Southport. And yes, drink the occassional beer. "gone troppo" - moved to tropical Australia, or crazy because of drink or heat. hahaha perfect.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Spring Break...

Now that sounds funny saying in September, but it is true. So how exciting has my week off been so far...

yeah that's right...

I baked it. Chocolate, 2 layers, delicious.

I can hear you all now, Whoa, whoa, whoa, Dan slow down your an animal. I know, I know but you only live once and it is spring break. But I will say that I won't bake muffin's I'm not crazy. And I always remember to bake safe, follow the directions and use cling wrap.

Well hopfully my next post won't be so action packed and leave you as breathless as this one did.


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