Dan In The Land Down Under !

This blog has been created to keep my family and friends informed of my exploites in Australia as I live, work and study for a year in Southport. And yes, drink the occassional beer. "gone troppo" - moved to tropical Australia, or crazy because of drink or heat. hahaha perfect.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Class has begun....

I started classes on Monday the 24th, same old stuff "Hi, this is your outline, get your texted and tutorials start next week (seminars)". I'm excited to get into the classes themselves and get to the projects which I'm really wanting to get at and have some great ideas for; needless to say the week was light so more time was spent at the beach and in a bar or two. Hahaha! Man I love school in Australia :)

Time to go wash off the salt and sand... Take Care.


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