Dan In The Land Down Under !

This blog has been created to keep my family and friends informed of my exploites in Australia as I live, work and study for a year in Southport. And yes, drink the occassional beer. "gone troppo" - moved to tropical Australia, or crazy because of drink or heat. hahaha perfect.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Some pictures...

I hope you enjoy these...

Me in Sydney

My house (the red car is what I rented to drive up from Sydney.

Me driving in Sydney... LOOK OUT!

And lastly me on the beach.

So I will keep the posts coming and more pictures. If you want to see more just ask and I'll send them right to you. I hope everyone there is doing well. I start classes on the 24th but don't worry I will still post and e-mail, I mean I gotta take a break from studying from time to time ;)

Cheers :)


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